INTERNET MONDAY in the garden and on that occasion we offer the biggest of all
DISCOUNTS available throughout the year
only for 24 hours on CYBER MONDAY!
You do NOT want to pass this up!!
of ALL
our treatments and packages!
oooog besides is......
caused by
ATTENTION! These are the BEST discounts we offer this year!
MEGA Price drops several times over CYBER MONDAY for hours at a time on select treatments and packages to be announced on the Facebook event here!
Note! There will be no PRICE DROP on CYBER MONDAY BOMBS!
The discounts are on EVERYTHING and are as follows:
They are 50% off for 24 hours,
from midnight to midnight on the following days:
✔️ Use the code "BFCM20" at checkout and you'll get 33% off your order.
✔️ For the bombs, use the code "BFCMSPRENGJA20" when you check out and you will get 50% off your order.
This one came to us for a mini makeover and was so lovely
to allow us to publish the images.
There are four weeks between pictures.
Mini Make-over is a two-week program (it can be taken over a longer period of time as she did) which is tailored to those who want to take a quick treatment program, for example if there is a trip abroad or some event is coming up and
only a little time to go.
The mini makeover package includes:
- VelaShape 2x change 1x a week
- Lipomassage 4 times 2 times a week
- Totally Laser Lipo 4x change 2x a week
- Fit Form 8x exchange 2x a week double
The girth has shrunk quite a bit as well as she feels a big difference
on skin and orange peel.
Note! No filter is used nor have the images been processed in any way.
This woman came to us as a model.
She started on April 8 (before photo) and finished on June 5 (after photo).
There are 2 months between pictures.
She came to us a total of 16 times, twice a week for the Laser and got in shape right after.
The area worked on is the abdomen.
Her results are excellent. She has shaped, strengthened and lost a lot of weight on her stomach, as can be seen in the pictures.
ATTENTION! No filter was used and the images have not been processed.
She started on February 14 (before photo) and finished on May 1 (after photo).
There are 2.5 months between pictures.
Her results are impressive. She has shaped herself well, strengthened and lost weight. In addition, the girth has decreased considerably in the thighs and stomach area.
Get to know our bridal makeover better and shop it on the offer.
ATTENTION! No filter was used and the images have not been processed in any way.
You can pay with debit and credit cards and cardless loans with Netgíro on the web!
In addition, you can pay by credit card installments with us on the spot and take out a cardless loan with Pei.
Read about all our treatments, book an appointment and grab a treatment or package today at so you don't miss out!!
See you at The House of Beauty, Fákafeni 9, s. 777-2888
✔️ Use the code "BFCM20" at checkout and you'll get 33% off your order.
✔️ For the bombs, use the code "BFCMSPRENGJA20" when you check out and you will get 50% off your order.
I started treatments at The House of Beauty in January 2019 and I'm nowhere near stopping. I had recently taken the "before" pictures, because I had a faint hope that the "next effort" would yield some results.
Had heard of Lipomassage "silk" from friends who have been doing it for a long time.
Was not at all impressed with some of the quick fixes... that I thought were available at THOB.
How ignorant I was!
I was greeted by lovely women. After trying the "silk" twice, I became curious about the other treatments; velashape, laserlipo and fitform are what I have tried.
It has been 10 years since I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Exercise and proper diet are the main tips to recover from it.
However, it is difficult to exercise when the body is in pain. They are like a miracle, the effect after "silk".
Equivalent to many hours of massage and the skin becomes silky and smooth.
Due to the good effects of the silk treatment, I started going to the gym more and more often.
I could, because the pain was so much less.
Soon I changed my diet. i got help with that from the staff.
The fact that I have stuck with it is thanks to the girls at THOB. Their gentle encouragement and support meant everything.
I usually have my gym clothes in the car and plan the gym around the classes.
I drink a lot more water today. I also learned that here.
In addition, I had apron surgery a few years ago with a plastic surgeon. I was left with ugly scars on my hips with fat cells above them.
I had an operation scheduled to repair the scar and liposuction of the hip.
When I went to the doctor for a pre-surgery interview, it turned out that the surgery was unnecessary. The girls at THOB had managed to fix this without any surgery or intervention! The operation was therefore cancelled!
If only people knew a tiny fraction of what the salon can help you with....
It is also a pleasure to enter the lovely atmosphere, where all the women welcome you with care, encouragement and compliments.
Now I've lost about 18 kg and I've lost a lot of cm.
The body shape and well-being has also changed a lot.
Anonymous - This love who sent us these beautiful words chose not to be named and we respect that, of course, but we couldn't avoid sharing these words with you.
Sigríður Lilja Samúelsdóttir started with us in Lipomassage Silkligth
in August 2018 initially due to bad arthritis and Lupus disease
to keep down inflammation and pain. Today she has been wearing it
all our treatments alternately and got rid of a whole 23 kg
together with being pain-free and off the medication.
Last August, I heard about the silk (Lipomassage Silklight) at The House of Beauty that the treatment could help with pain and relieve swelling and edema because I was in pain every day from rheumatism and Lupus. I was on a strong drug called Gabapentin daily to make my day.
I initially went to the silk 1x a week and immediately felt how good it made me. The swelling and inflammation decreased and the pain gradually disappeared. I then increased the silk to 2x-3x a week and then I started to feel much better.
I was then able to stop the medication that I had previously been unable to get through the day without in September, a little over a month after I started the silk.
Today I go to the silk 1x a week to keep myself healthy.
Around the same time I started taking out the soda and drinking more water. Then I started cutting back on flour and, for example, started eating corn bread without flour. I also try not to eat after 9pm at night.
In November I then added other treatments at The House of Beauty.
First I went for Totally Laser Lipo to lose weight, you can feel very quickly how the circumference decreases and the pants become wider in the Laser.
I also added the Velashape treatment and started mixing up the treatments every week and things started to happen quickly.
Now 6 months after I started treatments at The House of Beauty, I have lost 23 kg, my body has taken shape and my skin has become firm and smooth.
I feel much better, my health is completely different and my confidence has increased a lot. I couldn't be happier with the treatments at The House of Beauty because they have literally saved me.
- Sigríður Lilja Samúelsdóttir
This woman came to us as
model in August
She started on August 20 (before picture) and
completed Nov 1 (by photo).
There are 10 WEEKS between pictures.
She came to us 3x-4x a week. 2x a week in Totally Laser Lipo to melt the abdominal fat and went into a fit form to strengthen the abdomen directly after the Totally Laser Lipo session to maximize results.
Twice a week she came to Velashape and once a week for a double LED skin treatment session.
In the last two weeks, she then added Lipomassage Silkligth to the program to tighten the skin, reduce inflammation and work on fibromyalgia.
Her results are impressive!
She has slimmed down and sculpted a lot across the midsection and her apron has shrunk quite a bit along with a lot of sculpting going on all over her body.
ATTENTION! No filter was used and
the images have not been processed
in any way.
This woman came to us as a Velashape model.
She started on July 9 (before picture) and finished on September 12 (after picture).
There are two months between photos.
She came to us 2x a week Velashape a total of 12 times to work on the stomach area and the apron.
Her results are impressive. She has taken shape and slimmed down in the waist, and the apron has shrunk considerably and wear has decreased.
ATTENTION! No filter was used and the images have not been processed in any way.
Totally Laser Lipo is a treatment that can best be compared to liposuction but without any interventions.
Laser Lipo is the latest treatment that helps the fat cell release fat with a laser. The treatment uses laser blades that dissolve fat in the fat cells and tighten the surrounding skin without any discomfort.
You simply lie with the laser sheets on for 20 minutes without feeling anything except possibly a slight heat while the laser does the work.
After the Totally Laser Lipo treatment, we recommend a 20-minute burn exercise within 12 hours or an hour of our Fitform treatment afterwards to maximize results and help the body release the fat that was being melted from the fat cells through the lymphatic system.
Laser Lipo is a popular and sought after treatment worldwide, it is without any side effects and you see results immediately after your first 20 minute session.
It is recommended to take 8 times (2x per week) to see significant results in the area to be worked on.
However, it is personal and depends on how much fat is to be taken, for some four hours is enough, while others need 16 times.
Meðferðir: Totally Laser Lipo 8 tímar og LED 4 tímar.
Meðferðartímabil: fjórar vikur, Totally Lipo 2x í viku og LED 1x í viku. Meðferðarsvæði: Maga svæðið.
Tilgangur meðferðanna: Totally Lipo: Minnka fitu og ummál á staðbundnum svæðum. LED: stinna og styrkja slappa húð.
Árangur: strax eftir meðferð
Mælingar: fyrir og eftir hverja meðferð.
Fjöldi skipta: mælt er með 4-8 skiptum per svæði
Ath! Enginn filter er notaður né hafa myndirnar verið unnar með nokkru móti.
Þessi kona kom til okkar sem módel í Total Tummy makeover.
Hún byrjaði 25. Júní (fyrir mynd) og kláraði 30. ágúst (eftir mynd).
Það eru 7 vikur á milli mynda.
Hún kom til okkar 3x í viku, tvisvar í viku í Laserinn og fór í fitform beint á eftir.
Einu sinni í viku í LED húðmeðferð og Velashape á eftir.
Árangurinn hennar er glæsilegur.
Hún hefur mótast vel, styrkst, grennst í mittinu og hefur bakið mótast vel ásamt því að slit hafa minnkað og húðin orðin stinnari.
ATH! Engin filter var notaður og hafa myndirnar ekki verið unnar á neinn hátt.
Við elskum árangur okkar dásamlegu viðskiptavina!
Við fengum þessar myndir sendar frá einni yndislegri konu eftir að hafa verið í meðferðum hjá okkur í aðeins tvær vikur með þessum fallegu orðum:
"Mig langaði að sýna ykkur hvernig ég er orðin eftir aðeins 4 skipti (2 vikur)
af Totally Laser Lipo og fitformi.
Ég er sjúklega ánægð. Hlakka til að sjá árangurinn eftir allar 8 vikurnar."
Ath! Enginn filter er notaður né hafa myndirnar verið unnar með nokkru móti.
Fitform Professional er mjög öflugt blöðkutæki eða svokölluð rafleiðnimeðferð sem skilað hefur frábærum árangri á undanförnum árum. Fitform Professional er með djúpa rafleiðni sem vinnur því sérstaklega í vöðvastyrkingu og á dýpri fitulögum.
Fitform Professional hjálpar til við að tóna og styrkja vöðva, örvar blóðflæði, minnkar bólgur og bjúg, eykur brennslu og minnkar ummál.
Þeir sem hafa farið í meðferð með Lipomassage SilkLight vitna um verulegan árangur á betra blóðflæði, virkara sogæðakerfi, minni bólgur og stíflur í líkama, minnkandi appelsínuhúð og vökvasöfnun, minni vöðvabólgu, minna ummál á meðferðarsvæðum, stinnari og mýkri húð, bættum húðlit og betur mótuðum líkama.
*Lipomassage SilkLight-meðferðin er viðurkennd hjá bandaríska lyfjaeftirlitinu (F.D.A.) sem áhrifaríkasta meðferðin sem vinnur á appelsínuhúð
*Lipomassage SilkLight hefur gagnast gigtarsjúklingum vel, þar sem aukið blóðflæði verður um líkamann ásamt því að meðferðin losar um stíflur og minnkar bjúgsöfnun
*Lipomassage SilkLight-meðferð hjálpar til við að minnka mjólkursýru í vefjum og er notuð af íþróttafólki til að minnka eymsli eftir miklar og strangar æfingar
*Lipomassage SilkLight-meðferð eykur blóðflæði um 30% og þar af leiðandi brennslu í líkamanum
*Lipomassage SilkLight-meðferð jafnar verulega ójöfnur á líkamanum og appelsínuhúð
Þessi kona kom til okkar sem módel í Totally Laser Lipo og Fitform.
Hún byrjaði 7. ágúst (fyrir mynd) og kláraði 14. sept (eftir mynd).
Það eru 5 vikur á milli mynda.
Hún kom til okkar 2x í viku með áherslu á magasvæðið, fyrst í Laserinn og fór í fitform beint á eftir.
Árangurinn hennar er glæsilegur. Hún hefur mótast vel, styrkst og grennst í mittinu.
ATH! Engin filter var notaður og hafa myndirnar ekki verið unnar á neinn hátt.
Fjögurra vikna prógramm
Hér höfum við sett saman einstakann pakka fyrir herra. Áherslan fer eftir væntingum hvers og eins en algengt er að unnið sé með maga og mitti, ná fram six pack, brjóst og undirhaka. Hér er mikil áhersla á styrkingu og ummáls minnkun.
Mælum þig bæði fyrir og eftir meðferðarprógrammið!
Tummy Tuck
Fimm vikna prógramm
Tummy Tuck er meðferðapakki sem er gjarnan kallaður svuntuaðgerð en þó án inngripa, svæfingar og aðgerðar. Tummy Tuck er hugsaður fyrir þá sem eru með slappa húð á kvið eða svokallaða svuntu ásamt slitum, örum eða jafnvel lýtum í húð.
Þessi pakki er öflugur fyrir þá sem eru með slappa og auka húð eftir t.d. mikið þyngdartap eða barnsburð. Tummy Tuck vinnur vel á og þéttir lausa húð á kvið ásamt því að vinna á slitum og misfellum í húð.
Hún Jóna Guðlaug Þorvaldsdóttir sem er svo yndisleg að leyfa okkur að nafngreina sig kom til okkar sem módel.
Hún byrjaði 3. okt og kláraði í dag 22. nóv. Það er því rétt rúmur einn og hàlfur mánuður á milli mynda.
Hún kom í sérsniðin pakka sem innheldur eftirfarandi meðferðir:
10 skipti í Lipomassage
5 skipti í velashape
10 skipti í totally laser lipo
10 skipti í fitform
Jóna kom í velashape 1x í viku með áherslu á maga og læri og fór svo beint á eftir í Lipomassage Silkligth þar sem allur líkaminn er tekinn.
Hún fór svo að auki 1x í viku til viðbótar í Lipomassage. Tvisvar í viku kom hún svo í totally laser lipo til að bræða kviðfituna og fór í fitform beint á eftir.
Árangurinn er geggjaður eins og sjá má á fyrir og eftir myndunum hennar.
Myndirnar hafa ekki verið unnar á neinn hátt og er engin filter notaður.
Á þægilegan og öruggan máta tónar meðferðin upp líkamann og mýkir upp yfirborð húðar á mjög skömmum tíma.
VelaShape II er talin af bandaríska lyfjaeftirlitinu (FDA) ein öruggasta, árangursríkasta og sársaukalausasta meðferðin í dag til að móta líkamann (staðbundin fita).
Klínískar rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á að 85% svörun er af meðhöndluðum svæðum með VelaShape II.
Á meðferðarsvæðum eins og á lærum og maga hefur orðið allt frá 2-7,2 cm minnkun. Árangur er því vel sjáanlegur eftir aðeins fjórar meðferðir með VelaShape II.
VelaShape II-meðferðin hjálpar þér á þægilegan hátt að fá heilbrigðan og fallega mótaðan líkama, auk þess að bæta lífsstíl og gefa betri líðan.
Hægt er að greiða með debet og kreditkort og kortalaus lán með Netgíró á vefnum!
Að auki er hægt að greiða með raðgreiðslum á kreditkort hjá okkur á staðnum og taka kortalaust lán með Pei.
Lestu um allar okkar meðferðir, bókaðu tíma og nældu þér í meðferðir eða pakka strax í dag á til að missa ekki af þessu!!
Sjáumst í The House of Beauty, Fákafeni 9, s. 777-2888
Þær eru á 50% afslætti frá miðnætti til miðnættis á eftirfarandi dögum:
✔️ Notaðu kóðann "BFCM20" þegar þú tékkar út og þá reiknast 33% afsláttur af pöntuninni þinni.
✔️ Fyrir sprengjurnar notarðu kóðann "BFCMSPRENGJA20" þegar þú tékkar út og þá reiknast 50% afsláttur af pöntuninni þinni.